.. index:: Installing phosh Installation ============ *Phosh* runs on the development images by default but in case you want to hack on it you need to build from source. .. index:: Building phosh Building phosh -------------- To install *phosh* follow the `README`_. If you want to run *phosh* from the source tree you can omit the ``ninja -C _build install`` step. .. index:: Building rootston Building rootston ----------------- To make it work better with *phosh* we currently use some patches on top of *wlroots*' reference Wayland compositor *rootston*. While *phosh* works with upstream *rootston* some of the features like rotation are only available with our fork at the moment. To build it, clone the repository first. Please checkout wlroots next to phosh:: git clone https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/wlroots.git cd wlroots meson . _build ninja -C _build Running phosh ------------- Now you can start *rootston* from a virtual terminal using the config file shipped by *phosh*:: cd phosh ../wlroots/rootston/rootston -C ./rootston.ini -E _build/run .. _README: https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/phosh/blob/master/README.md